
Works about moon, on the top page gallery, on beautiful moon day.

In Creative Project Base,
now I am starting many collaborations
with my good friends, good partners.

The top page of this website,
besides the logo, is the online gallery
as collaboration media.

The first one was iconic illustration by Moe Furuya.
The second one is by Apol sta. maria,
comic artist from Manila,Phillipines.

The first of October is the day of beautiful moon in Japan.
So now I am exhibiting his works of moon.

I met him in Manila last year,
when I was invited to Adobo design award conference.

I can't understand the language/Filipino in his comics,
but I can feel many things from his lines.

Ambiguity of the world.

etc.. but.I just like his lines.

Enjoy the beatiful moon & Apol's lines in this autumn.

His instagram is here:


His message:
I was born in 1981 in Manila and I started drawing in 1984. I loved horror as a child and now I find life like a horror, but it is funny too. 

Michael Jackson’s Thriller was a favorite, and the late artist Nagi Noda is one of my inspirations in my work. I learned about her art just a few months before she passed away, and the feeling of looking at all her works is something I would like to achieve– getting scared, having a laugh, and pausing to ponder, I’d like to think that my drawings give this feeling to everyone. 

I have been doing trying to do this for 35 years now. Like my inspirations, I would like to share my work to many people. Not bound in any form of art, and also not obscure for everyone to enjoy. 

Hello everyone!

Yuko Uesu