
Creative Project Base is a company,
as the name suggests, founded to be
a base for creative projects.


What I do


There are too many things  I will & want to do. I will describe some for now.


Design & Consulting
for creative projects

I think the designing of projects is like programming. If it is well planned, it flows naturally like a river, but if not, it stops.Through my experience, I have my way to make and pursue good projects. I will provide it and support. It is better before starting a project, but if it is on the way and you have a bug in your project, I can give ideas to solve it.


Concept making

The concept is a verbal blueprint to design new things, and is necessary to lead the team and realize them. I will help to make clear concepts through my experience.


Hub for talents and ideas

I want to introduce talents beyond categories, industries and nations, especially my good friends with good skills and humanities all over japan and world.


Ideation methods
& educational programs

I invented many original ideation methods and creative educational programs throughout my career. They will stimulate creativity and curiosity of both adults and kids, and help make new ideas.


Providing inspiring information

The source of new ideas and innovations is information.I will provide inspiring information through my special network.


Solving with small ideas agency

Now speed is needed in many industries. I will support with simple, small ideas which can be done with small budgets, less energy, very quickly. Less is more. Small is beautiful.


New combinations agency

1+1 can be much more than 2. I will help to make new good combinations of ideas, technologies, and talents.


Making first ever original projects

I will produce original projects by myself, especially about “emotions”. AI can’t feel, so it can’t think of them. I was born as human being, so I will continue this path.


Projects about Japan  

I believe Japan & Japanese resources can do more for the world and future of human beings. I already have some projects, so let’s see how they will grow.




About vision, please ask when we met, maybe having coffee together.
